Our last 'Moving Story' of 2021

And it's a lovely moving story to finish a busy and awarding year.
Our clients asked us to sell her family home following the sad death of her parents - it was a lovely four bedroom house in great location, with a pretty walled garden. We knew how she was feeling, and the challenge of managing this from far away. Luckily we also need a perfect family to pick up this house and make it their own - they had missed out on a few previous occasions, and yet were still really committed to move to Henley from their home in South London. This was doubly important as they were combining households with their Mum, so I needed to have the potential for independent multi-generational living. Our clients was inspired by their efforts, and agreed to an off market sale to them.
Unfortunately, things really go to plan, and the buyers' chain collapsed - more than once. It took a very long time and was incredibly stressful for all involved. But success and goodwill happens when both buyers and vendors are prepared to be flexible, and are happy to collaborate with us to make a tricky situation work. Every challenge was met with resolve, patience and pragmatism and the eventual outcome was far sweeter for it. Anyone who says that Estate Agency is just about the transaction clearly doesn't get the point at all.
The buyer featured the following on her Facebook page, and she won't mind if I share this with you:
"It finally happened it's been a long road! This was the sixth house we put an offer in on, our chain broke three times and it took eight long months to get in here (that's not counting the 10 months it took to refurbish and sell the flat all the four years before we spent procrastinating on what area to move to) we've not even been here a week and it already feels like home "
Thanks to our client Jane for the beautiful flowers, and to the buyers for the delicious wine. Always a treat but especially in this case!

Our last 'Moving Story' of 2021

Posted on Dec 22 2021 by Emma

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